UPDATE: Man Arrested for Sexual Assault of a Child in College Station
College Station Police have arrested 54 year old Isaiah Young of Bryan for sexually assaulting a child who was riding his bicycle home on Welsh Avenue last Friday night.
Wow. And, since I can't think of anything else to say that I don't immediately want to erase, I'll just stop there :)
I'm so glad you stood up to this attitude Brian. I feel slightly inadequate at communicating how truly wrong it is to never let your kids be independent. So instead I will leave you with words excerpted from a peer reviewed child development paper. Children’s Rights and Adults’ Wrongs by Mayer Hillman
"Limiting children’s exposure to the outside world unless accompanied by an adult also affects the development of their social and emotional skills. Their day has become increasingly structured by adults.At the same time, it inculcates in their impressionable minds a grossly misleading perception that we, as responsible parents, consider that they should distrust people they do not know and that therefore it
could be dangerous to enter into conversation with them. The natural consequence of this is that children are told not speak to ‘strangers’. And, as a corollary to this, the ‘strangers’, that is us, are fearful of talking to children we do not know either because we fear that our motives may be misconstrued or because we have learnt to expect obstreperous behaviour from them—without being able to respond as we would with our own children.A further outcome of this mild form of alienation is that children have been made more
vulnerable by reducing their exposure to risk of injury. Children need to acquire road safety skills and take risks to learn at first hand how to cope with them and, with unexpected situations, to find where their personal and the public’s boundaries lie, and when to exercise caution. In any case, it may be questioned whether society should be aiming to eliminate risk from their environment. It could be observed that taking risks has been a key element in evolution. How else are children going to learn how to deal with the outside world on their own and be encouraged to think for themselves laterally and originally? A sanitized environment free of risk is one where these desirable attributes are unlikely to flourish.
This is awesome. And took place during one of my Facebook fasts. I kept trying to click on your post to comment, but then I realized I was on your blog, not FB.
Great discussion with lots of good points. My kids are also school and scouts walkers. I let Truman and Brigham cross a major highway by themselves to go to the library and old-fashioned drug store for ice cream. I let Truman ride his bike a mile from home to go fishing by himself at the reservoir.
I don't think Mayberry ever really existed--there's no perfect town--but where we live comes fairly close. I will not be governed by my fears.
I'm glad you pasted this before it was removed.
Becca - we miss you guys as well. Is this the post you were looking for: http://graduategrumblings.blogspot.com/2012/07/no-more-chickens.html
I can't find the Tri-county times article either online. I will check at the library., Who knows I may have to search the Microfiche - that would be going back in time. This summer we are coming through Idaho the last week or so of June. Maybe we can meet for a Renfroe-Gardunia camping trip?
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